Hi, my name is Nelia and on May 4th of last year (2018) I decided enough was enough! My journey all started when my friend Luciana took several pictures of myself for her school project.

As she showed me the pictures, I knew I was super big and didn’t feel comfortable. I realized if I didn’t change my lifestyle I would continue to get bigger and bigger….(by the way I was never small in my whole life always been the chubby kid). 

It was time for a drastic lifestyle change primarily for my health. I stayed focus with no excuses this time. Even on my vacation, I kept watching what I ate and regularly exercised. Then in June, I went on a vacation in Quebec city and still focused on my journey because, in the past, I would always say: well I will get back on track when I come back from my vacation. The thing is there is always a reason to eat unhealthily, it never stops: a party, a birthday, a baby shower, a wedding, holidays, vacation, etc. It becomes an excuse to keep you away from your goals. No more.

To be honest I can’t believe I am even writing this …am doing it? I did it? I am not quite to my goal weight yet…but I have lost 87 lbs since May 2018. I went from a size 24 pants and 3x 4x in tops, to a size 8 pants and medium shirt. The first time this has ever happened in my 40 years of life. But I am getting closer every day, one pound at the time. I’m so glad I am putting my health and wellness first to avoid diabetes and high blood pressure. It was definitely a wake-up call when my mom was diagnosed with brain damage due to diabetes and my aunt died from Kidney Failure due to Diabetes as well. More than anything, it’s not about a number on the scale but a healthier me for myself and my family ?


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